What the SA Garden Guide
is all about

I started the SA Garden Guide because it was difficult to find a single page that contained all the information I needed to care for my plants.

My hope is to create a comprehensive and "quiet" online garden guide where gardeners can find the information they're looking for, without the noise of 15 ads on a page.

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The story of the founder

COVID is likely one of those inciting incidents for many people. Especially an incident that started a love for gardening. Stuck in our little garden, which, at the time was our best escape, I noticed how terrible the spot looked.

Thanks to all other commitments falling away, I started digging, moving, planting and created a little haven. A cottage garden with plants that thrived. During this journey though, I realised how difficult it was to find the information I needed on a single page. Or even a single Google search. So, using my SEO and website building expertise, I built the SA Garden Guide.

The mission behind SA Garden Guide

I want to help the gardener, who feels out of their depth, find the information they need on specific plants on a single page.

It needs to be a space that loads quickly, answers all the pertinent questions before you buy that really beautiful plant in the nursery, or garden centre, and it should not contain 15 ads and 4 popups.

There will always only be one sponsorship block - that of our patrons. To recognise their generosity and support.

Our Patrons

Sponsors supporting an ad free, quiet, garden space when you can find all the answers you need. Without popups.

Ready Accounting

Your trusted accounting firm for financial success
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ClickOn Marekting

Local Digital Marketing Agency specialising in Search Marketing and Automation.
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Chamber Music Collective

Live classical music concerts in Johannesburg that support local artists.
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